Export data

Export your data from Tabidoo to Microsoft Excel, Word, pdf, and to other formats.

How to export data to an excel file (XLSX format, JSON)

If you want to export all the data from a particular table in Tabidoo to an Excel file, Json, just click the Expand menu and then click on Export data above the table.

How to export data from Excel

TIP: Since there is not possible to link applications in Tabidoo, export can be useful. Once you want to get data from one app to another,  just export the content from the first app to excel and then import it into the target app.

Export to other formats

You can use REPORTS to export to other formats from Tabidoo. 

Reports can sent in the following formats on your email using the extension Workflow Automation:

  • Portable Document Format (.pdf)
  • HyperText Markup Language (.html)
  • Microsoft Word (2007)
  • Microsoft Excel (2007)
  • Open Document Text (.odt)
  • Open Document Spreadsheet (.ods)
  • Comma Separated Values (.csv)