Updating Application To Templates
Do you want a change made in your application to show up in Template as well? Then keep reading!
First of all, it is important to clear out that if you make any corrections or add a new table in your application, it won't automatically appear in the template.
You have to do it manually, how?
The steps are the same as when you were publishing your app into Templates, which means:
- You select Publish to Templates from options in the settings.
Publishing app into Templates
- After choosing Privacy and Behavior of published tables (See more in the previous chapter - Publishing Application into Templates), you simply Publish it.
The system will automatically project the changes into the already published template. However, the change won't be seen yet in already downloaded ones.
How to reflect a change in an already downloaded template
- To project the change into the already downloaded template you have to "Add new table" in it and choose the option Import from Templates.
- You then select from all the templates the Original Template and download it. The changes will be automatically transferred from the template into your current application made from that template.
Notice: You can use this process not only for updating your template so those who downloaded it can apply the changes made to the original application. It can be also used when you want to add a table or a whole application to your own application from the templates. Let's say, that you find a template that you really like and you would like to add its tables to your application. You simply add it as a new table from the templates and all of its tables will now be part of your application.
Sometimes, when we make some significant improvements to our extensions, you follow similair process to see the changes take place in your application. Only instead of choosing an application from the templates, you choose the Extension, that was updated.