Lookup Settings
Once you link tables in Tabidoo, the linked field will display in the form of your table. You can then select which record from the source table will be linked and displayed in the table grid.
However, it may be that the lookup contains too much data and makes your work less clear. Therefore, in this chapter we explain how to display only some records in the lookup.
The lookup after linking tables in Tabidoo
How to define which columns will display in the lookup
Let's imagine we want to display only the column/field "Name" in the example before (see picture - The lookup in Tabidoo).
How to achieve it?
- Go to the field settings in the source table
- Open the fields which you want to display in the lookup
- In the advanced features select the option "Show in the lookup"
What will happen now?
Only the defined field (e.g. Name) will display in the lookup (see example below).
The lookup in Tabidoo
How to filter records in the lookup
Suppose you want to filter the records in the lookup and display only the selected names as in the previous example.
How to achieve it?
- In the table, we go to the settings of the linked field. In this case, the field "Owner"
- In the advanced features, we click on + Add field for filter
How to filter data in the lookup in Tabidoo
We define by which field the records in the lookup will be filtered.
How to define which data will display as the record description
after selecting a record in the lookup we want to see the following:
Name and Position in the record description
After selecting a record from the lookup, we want the Name and the Position to be displayed as the record description.
How to achieve it?
- Go to the field settings in the source table
- Open the fields which you want to display in the record description
- In the advanced features select the option "Show in the record description"
The option "Show in the record description" in the advanced features